Sunday, December 16, 2007

weekly update 15/12

The brickwork should be done in the next couple of days, just before christmas. The roof will start in the new year.

Family room

The garage is now finished
Alfresco raked brickwork almost done too
From the dining. Kitchen on the right Family on left
Master bedroom
From the family looking at kitchen on left and dining on right

Saturday, December 8, 2007

weekly update 8/12

The brickwork has really progressed this week with the inside walls and door frames going up.

From the from the garage at the back of the house
Looking out towards the alfresco area

Looking at the kitchen on the left

Looking out the front door, main bedroom on the left

Ensuite in the main bedroom

dining room on the left looking down into the loungeon the right.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Update 1/12

Well heaps has been done in 4 days the bricks are going up fast!!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Bricks Have Started 24/11

Well they've started the bricks and as you can see they've put down a layer of a thing called Termimesh which is supposed to keep the termites away.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Update 14/11

Here's the latest, bricks have arrived and we now have a toilet and a skip. Now they just need to hurry up and build our walls. The red bricks are for the inside walls(they get plastered) and the outside(face) bricks are a white ones.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Weekly update 10/11

Went down for a look today. Looks like its already for the bricks to arrive, there's a big pile of sand on our block, a shed and more plumbing has been done as you can see from the pictures.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Window and Door Frames have arrived

Went down for a look on Saturday and the window and door frames have arrived. Homebuyers (our Builder) have told us the Bricks will arrive on the 9th and the brickies will start 2 weeks after that .

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Slab Down

Went down to the Block for a look today and the slabs down yehhhhhhh!!!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Latest Update

I twisted Jenna's arm and we went down to see the progress and they pegged it. You can see the outline of the house. Our front bedroom looks very close to the road!!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Building has begun

It has begun!!

After a year of waiting we are finally building a house.

Siteworks has started and this is what they've done so far...

Not much but at least its started.

Our block

This is Jenna And I at our block all finished and ready to be built on with lots of grass growing

A Brief History

Well in June 2006 me and jenna lined up and camped for 3 days for our block at Boronia,Success.

And here are the pics.