Saturday, November 24, 2007

Bricks Have Started 24/11

Well they've started the bricks and as you can see they've put down a layer of a thing called Termimesh which is supposed to keep the termites away.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Update 14/11

Here's the latest, bricks have arrived and we now have a toilet and a skip. Now they just need to hurry up and build our walls. The red bricks are for the inside walls(they get plastered) and the outside(face) bricks are a white ones.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Weekly update 10/11

Went down for a look today. Looks like its already for the bricks to arrive, there's a big pile of sand on our block, a shed and more plumbing has been done as you can see from the pictures.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Window and Door Frames have arrived

Went down for a look on Saturday and the window and door frames have arrived. Homebuyers (our Builder) have told us the Bricks will arrive on the 9th and the brickies will start 2 weeks after that .